

Regular Cleanings

Regular cleanings are designed to remove the fuzzy plaque and hard calculus (tartar) from teeth every six months. Gingivitis is inflammation of the gum tissues and, if not treated, over time could be at risk for losing the bony support around your teeth. Gum disease is caused by harmful bacteria that are incorporated into the plaque and calculus sticking to your teeth.  Removing this regularly will help to keep your mouth healthy. Jordan Family Dentistry promises to be both thorough and gentle during your visit.


We love seeing children at Jordan Family Dentistry! Our goal is to create a positive experience for your young patient, eliminating fear of going to the dentist. It can take a few visits to gain trust and get everything done, but it is well worth it in the end.



Along with regular cleanings every 6 months, Jordan Family Dentistry will complete a well-check exam. We hope to find healthy mouths every visit, but seeing you regularly allows us to catch problems early and try to treat these problems with the most conservative option possible. We will evaluate for potential problems with your teeth, gums, salivary glands, TMJ, and all other structures in and around your mouth with every exam.


Digital x-rays are wonderful for so many reasons. First, they offer 70% less radiation exposure than the conventional film x-rays. They are also clearer and more accurate for the person reading the x-ray. Finally, the ability to adjust the contrast, the brightness, zoom-in, and make measurements on the computer screen are very useful for us. We are committed to your safety. We promise to only take necessary radiographs and to use all available protective barriers.


Once gingivitis has progressed to cause bone loss, we call it periodontitis. Periodontitis requires treatment beyond removing the fuzzy plaque and hard tartar from above the gum line. There is a true infection in the gum tissues, however, we will clean tartar from the root surfaces of teeth and then polish these surfaces to make them less susceptible to future deposits of tartar. We may also use antibiotics locally to treat infected “pockets”.  Our goal is to remove the bacteria in the tartar and let your gums heal.  Part of the healing process is for puffy, inflamed gums to shrink back and make the “pocket” around your tooth smaller. Smaller pockets do not harbor the most harmful types of bacteria and are easier for you to keep clean at home.


At every exam, we will check all the soft tissues in and around your mouth for any signs of oral cancer. Oral cancer is very treatable in its earliest stages and we feel that it is our responsibility to monitor these areas for health. Tobacco use (smoking and smokeless tobacco) are the top cause of oral cancer. We would love to help you find the support you need to stop using tobacco products.



There are a lot of factors that can make someone more at risk for developing cavities. Frequency of sugar intake; dry mouth; oral hygiene; and genetics are a few things that can contribute to a higher risk.  We will assess each patient’s risk for getting cavities and develop a plan to prevent cavity formation. 


Did you know that cavities treated in the earliest stages can heal without the need for fillings? The early process of cavity formation involves minerals being dissolved from the enamel of the teeth by acid-producing bacteria.  Fluoride is a mineral that we use topically to re-mineralize these early cavities.  If we assess that you are at a great risk for developing cavities or if early enamel cavities are found during an examination, we may recommend the application of topical fluoride.



When permanent molars first erupt, they have very deep grooves.  Fuzzy plaque and cavity-causing bacteria can fit down in these grooves where toothbrush bristles cannot.  Sealants are preventive resins that are flowed down into clean deep grooves to fill the grooves up and make the entire tooth cleanable with a toothbrush and floss. They have been shown to greatly reduce cavity risk on back teeth, especially in younger patients. 


 Our first goal is always prevention of dental problems; however, sometimes problems arise. We are committed to seeing our patients as quickly as possible to address their concerns and get them out of pain.  

Better Dental Health is Our Mission

(706) 619-1733

440 Westhaven Ct
Grovetown, GA 30813